May 30 – Shire Meeting (virtual only) with Proposal about Shire Champion

MONTHLY BUSINESS MEETING for the Shire of Caer Adamant. EVERYONE is welcome to attend and encouraged to participate!

Sunday, May 30, 2021, 11:00 AM

Join the meeting by video with this link: This meeting has closed.

This month we will be discussing a proposal to clarify the duties for the position of Shire Champion. Please follow this link to see the proposal:

Contact Seneschal Lady Aoife inghean Donnchaidh.

Fighter Practice – Folks, it’s time!!

Please use the linked signup sheet for sign up for fighter practices starting 03/28. Please only sign for yourself (do not list other individuals)! Select the Yes/No option under the listed dates. Yes, really, all of them.

Caer Adamant Fighter Practice Cohort Sheet


Per Society guidelines, practices may have a MAXIMUM of 25 attendees. We are permitted a STABLE cohort of 15 fighters. This “might” leave room for a very small group of folks to spectate, but that is not the purpose of practices and fighters will be given preference.

Everyone attending will be expected to:
-Wear a mask
-Maintain social distancing
-Sign the Contact Tracing sheet

Keep an eye peeled for your Friendly Fighter Forecasts and other helpful reminders for future practices!

Contact the Shire Knight Marshal, Baron Magnus Wolfhunte

Feb. 21 – Shire Meeting (virtual only)

EVERYONE is welcome to attend and encouraged to participate!

Sunday, February 21, 2021, 1:00 PM


1) Vote BEFORE the meeting to ELECT OFFICERS
Pursuant to our Bylaws, a vote will be taken to fill the offices of Exchequer, Harold, Knight Marshal and Webminister for the 2021-2022 term. Additionally, we will be electing a Chatelaine due to a mid-term vacancy.

The poll has closed. One vote per person please; sign into Google to cast your vote.

This meeting has closed.

Located on the Caer Adamant website under The Shire, Shire Business.

Contact Seneschal Lady Aoife inghean Donnchaidh.

2021-22 Officer Candidates

Pursuant to the Bylaws of Caer Adamant, Letters of Intent for the offices of Exchequer, Harold, Knight Marshal and Webminister for the 2021-2022 terms were accepted up to the January business meeting and are now closed.

Additionally, nominations for the office of Chatelaine (which is being vacated mid-term as Lady Laurena Mouchot steps away from the office after many, many years of wonderful service in the role for the Shire) were also accepted.

Candidates for office include:

  • Exchequer: Lady Motte Nachfalter
  • Harold: Lord Hallbjorn Tryggvason
  • Knight Marshal:  Baron Magnus Wolfhunte
  • Webminister:  Lady Nancy Alyn
  • Chatelaine:  Honorable Lady Isabel of Rosley

Officer elections generally occur during the February business meeting via closed ballot; however, due to the current health situation, the Seneschal has indicated that an electronic voting mechanism will be shared a week or so before the meeting.

The winner will be that candidate who receives a simple majority of the votes cast. Should the Populace vote to reject all of the candidates for a position, and that position is required by East Kingdom Law or Corpora, the process of holding a new election will begin immediately. In the interim, the Seneschal will make provisions for the performance of any duties of the office required.

Contact Seneschal Lady Aoife inghean Donnchaidh.

Nov. 15 Shire Mtg & Call for Candidates

EVERYONE is welcome to attend and participate!  Dress is modern (no garb please).

Sunday, November 15, 2020, 12:00 – 1:00 PM

This meeting has closed.

Pursuant to the Bylaws of Caer Adamant, nominations for the offices of Exchequer, Herald, Knight Marshal and Webminister for the 2021-2022 terms are open.

Additionally, we are accepting nominations for the office of Chatelaine (which will become vacant mid-term).

  • Letters of intent must be received by the Seneschal prior to the scheduled start of the January business meeting.  Letters of intent should include: member’s modern name; SCA name, if applicable; membership number and expiration date and a few lines describing the request.
  • For more information, refer to the Shire Bylaws.

Contact Seneschal Lady Aoife inghean Donnchaidh.

Volunteer Opportunity – Timeless Trades program at GBM

Hello Caer Adamant! Our friends at Greenbank Mills and Philips Farm (GBM) are seeking volunteers to help with their TIMELESS TRADES program series.

If you’re willing to develop a class, or classes, they want to hear from you!  GBM would provide a kit for participants to start and you would conduct the class virtually (for now).  This is one way a SCAdian could stay connected with and share their hobby during these socially distanced times.

The options for topics is broad! While SCA’s time period is quite a while before GBM’s period of interpretation (1790-1830), there are trades which continue today, such as farming, food preservation, leather and metal work, shepherding, spinning/weaving/textiles, wax craft, woodworking and more (crafts immigrant communities may have brought with them).

By way of example, this fall, they will be hosting a “Cross Stitch 101” series which will begin with courses that go back to the basics (various tools and basic stitches), along with the history of the craft and exhibits from their collection.  Later courses will provide opportunities for participants to “level up”.  Neat, right?!

If interested in volunteering for the Timeless Trades program, please contact Stacie Maheurin, Executive Director of GBM. Stacie will walk you through things like how to introduce the program, how long it should be, what it should look like, format and those kinds of things. Thank you!

In Service,
Lady Nancy Alyn, Deputy MoAS North

June 28 Shire Mtg – Virtual Only

EVERYONE is welcome to attend and encouraged to participate!

Sunday, June 28, 2020, 1:00 PM

Due to ongoing concerns related to COVID-19 and the directives of Her Majesty, we’ll hold this monthly meeting solely on Google Hangouts Meet.

For Google Hangouts Meet training and help, visit:

Located on the Caer Adamant website under The Shire, Shire Business.

Contact Seneschal (Lady Aoife inghean Donnchaidh) by email to

Vol Opp – Folklore Friday Storyteller at GBM

Hello Caer Adamant!  Our friends at Greenbank Mills are seeking volunteers to help with their Folklore Friday program.  If you’re willing to develop and tell local stories, or tangentially related ones, for digital presentation as part of the program, they want to hear from you!

While SCA’s time period is quite a while before GBM’s period of interpretation (1790-1830), there could be some stretch with tales or songs about weaving/spinning, about sheep, traditional drinking songs that would have extended into the period, tales immigrant communities may have brought with them (thinking of Irish lore, German fairy tales and so on).  By way of example, one volunteer recently presented a session focused on folk tunes of the American Colonial Period.

View two Folklore Friday programs on Greenbank Mill’s YouTube Channel: (it will be a playlist).

If interested in volunteering, please contact Alli Schell at  Alli will walk you through things like how to introduce the program, how long it should be, what it should look like, format and all that.  Thank you!

Deputy MoAS North

Question from our Seneschal on Financial Support for Shire Wars

Hi All,

We have been asked to consider financially supporting Shire Wars, an event to be hosted by the Shire of Blak Rose on October 18-20, 2020 in Jonestown, PA.

The deadline for our decision is May 15. As that falls between Shire meetings and is a financial commitment, I plan to put it to an officer vote. If you have any questions / concerns / comments, please contact me or any officer by Sunday afternoon or as soon as possible.

–Review the Shire Wars IX Event Prospectus, which explains the event and financial responsibility.

–View discussion on the subject on the Shire Facebook page.

Lady Aoife inghean Donnchaidh, Seneschal

Apr 26 Shire Meeting – Virtual

EVERYONE is welcome to attend and encouraged to participate!

Sunday, April 26, 2020, 1:00 PM

Due to concerns related to COVID-19 and the directives of Her Majesty, we’ll hold the monthly meeting on Google Hangouts Meet.

To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 971-248-6912 and enter this PIN: 682 596 951#
To view more phone numbers, click this link:

For Hangouts Meet training and help, visit:

Located on the Caer Adamant website under The Shire, Shire Business.

Contact Seneschal, Lady Aoife inghean Donnchaidh, by email to

Mar. 15 Shire Meeting

EVERYONE is welcome to attend and participate!  Dress is modern (no garb please).

Sunday, March 15, 2020, 1:00 – 2:00 PM

UPDATE: This meeting will be virtual. Our Shire Facebook page is the best resource for up-to-the-minute information.
Dover Public Library, 35 Loockerman Plaza, Dover DE 19901

SOCIAL (food before)
We may gather to socialize over food before the meeting.  Our Shire Facebook page is the best resource for up-to-the-minute information.

Located on the Caer Adamant website under The Shire, Shire Business.

Contact Seneschal (Lady Aoife inghean Donnchaidh) by email to