Hi everyone, I’m Simona della Luna, your Minister of Arts and Sciences. I’ve come to Caer Adamant from Ansteorra, where I played since 2011. I’d like your help in answering a few survey questions. I will use this information to plan A&S activities in the Shire. Aggregated results (without personal information) will be shared with the Shire at large, but individual responses will not be made public.
Join in the Shire business meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate. Connect with friends, learn what is going on, what is being planned and join in the discussions. Dress is modern (no garb please).
Sunday, February 9, 2025 1:00 PM Business Meeting, virtual
2025-26 Officer Election Letters of Intent have been received for the offices of Exchequer, Knight Marshal and Webminister. We continue to seek a volunteer for the office of Herald and ask you to contact the Seneschal to express your interest.
The election will be held during this business meeting. Members of the Shire Populace (anyone able to demonstrate reasonable levels of participation in diverse activities within the Shire of Caer Adamant) are eligible to vote in officer elections. One vote per person will be accepted either in person or via this ballot. The winner will be that candidate who receives a simple majority of the votes cast.
Online Ballot: voting has closed.
WHERE Virtual Only – This meeting has closed.
QUESTIONS Contact Seneschal Baroness Laurena Mouchot by email.
SCA PERIOD CRYPTOGRAPHY AND SECRET MESSAGES Learn about how to use the cryptography and steganography developed by Johannes Trithemius and others, and write your own secret messages.
We will also try some simple letterlocking techniques. Letterlocking was an early modern technique for keeping your correspondence private and secure. If you’d like to get some practice in ahead of time, the YouTube channel “Letterlocking Videos” has excellent instructional videos. https://youtu.be/PCT1h3Rt2Hc?si=9EPOix3ZFfqIudQB.
Bring a friend!
WHEN Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 6:00 – 9:00 PM
WHERE Home of Minister of A&S, Simona della Luna, Newark, DE 19702. There is a cat (in case of allergies) and a few steps to enter the house.
HAVE QUESTIONS or WANT TO HOST or TEACH? Contact Minister of Arts & Sciences Simona della Luna
This program has been CANCELLED. We’ll move the topic to our February gathering. This Thursday (1/23/25) from 6pm to 8pm, join me to jumpstart our themed A&S for the southern region of the Shire (of course, northerners are welcome too! 😆)
We will be doing KNOT MAKING for January. This is a make and take session! First a little history, then some instruction, then some practical hands on knots. Kits to be provided. You might leave with a necklace or be on the way to a cool new project!
What’s the theme you ask? We are going back to basics with the thing that is the foundation of many different types of arts: THREAD. So let’s dive deep into all things string, rope, cord, floss, fiber, yarn, filament, and twine! If you have a related or adjacent topic you are willing to teach, let me know!
Important info: see the Shire Calendar for the address. Please be aware that there are cats here. It’s okay to park in the driveway. Please plan to arrive and leave promptly 6pm to 8pm. My house is not young child-friendly, sorry. You can reach me via Messenger Chat and I will gladly share my contact information that way, but not posting it for bots and weirdos!
Questions? Send me, Lady Dionise O’Towie A&S Minister (South), an email.
GREETINGS POPULACE, Join in the Monthly Shire business meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate. Connect with friends, learn what is going on, what is being planned and join in the discussions. Dress is modern (no garb).
WHEN Sunday, January 12, 2025 11:00 AM Business Meeting
Call for Officer Candidates Pursuant to the Bylaws of Caer Adamant, nominations for the offices for the 2025-2026 term are open for Exchequer, Herald, Knight Marshal, and Webminister.
Letters of intent must be submitted by the candidate to the Seneschal prior to the scheduled start of the January business meeting (submit with an email). The letter will include the member’s modern name, SCA name (if applicable), membership number and expiration date, and a few lines describing the request. Candidates for each office will be announced at the January business meeting, as well as on the website. For more information, refer to the Shire Bylaws.
HERBAL MEDICINE This will be a make and take class with Lord Malcolm teaching us how to transform herbs and solvents into properly prepared salves and tinctures. We’ll make a batch of healing salve during class and each participant will take some home. Bring a friend!
WHEN Wednesday, January 8, 2025, 6:00 – 9:00 PM
WHERE Home of Minister of A&S, Simona della Luna, Newark, DE 19702. There is a cat (in case of allergies) and a few steps to enter the house.
HAVE QUESTIONS or WANT TO HOST or TEACH? Contact Simona della Luna, our Minister of Arts & Sciences
GREETINGS POPULACE, Join in the Monthly Shire business meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate. Connect with friends, learn what is going on, what is being planned and join in the discussions. Dress is modern (no garb).
WHEN Sunday, December 8, 2024 11:00 AM Monthly Business Meeting
Call for Officer Candidates Pursuant to the Bylaws of Caer Adamant, nominations for the offices for the 2025-2026 term are open for Exchequer, Herald, Knight Marshal, and Webminister.
Letters of intent must be submitted by the candidate to the Seneschal prior to the scheduled start of the January business meeting (submit with an email). The letter will include the member’s modern name, SCA name (if applicable), membership number and expiration date, and a few lines describing the request. Candidates for each office will be announced at the January business meeting, as well as on the website. For more information, refer to the Shire Bylaws.
TAVERN GAMES & SNACKS Come out and learn the rules and a bit of history for several period table games and have something fun to share with your friends and family over the holidays!
We will be using instructions from TheRavensTable.org for Alquerque, Glückshaus, and others. Feel free to look them up if you want to learn ahead of the social. I’ll also be making some period food. Feel free to bring your own culinary experiments to share if you’d like.
Bring a friend!
WHEN Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 6:00 – 9:00 PM
WHERE Home of Minister of A&S, Simona della Luna, Newark, DE 19702. There is a cat (in case of allergies) and a few steps to enter the house.
HAVE QUESTIONS or WANT TO HOST or TEACH? Contact Simona della Luna, our Minister of Arts & Sciences
Join in the Monthly Shire business meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate. Connect with friends, learn what is going on, what is being planned and join in the discussions. Dress is modern (no garb).
WHEN Sunday, November 10, 2024 11:00 AM Monthly Business Meeting
Call for Officer Candidates Pursuant to the Bylaws of Caer Adamant, nominations for the offices for the 2025-2026 term are open for Exchequer, Herald, Knight Marshal, and Webminister.
Letters of intent must be submitted by the candidate to the Seneschal prior to the scheduled start of the January business meeting (submit with an email). The letter will include the member’s modern name, SCA name (if applicable), membership number and expiration date, and a few lines describing the request. Candidates for each office will be announced at the January business meeting, as well as on the website. For more information, refer to the Shire Bylaws.
LATE PERIOD MUSIC! Lovely gentles! Strummer will be teaching a class at A&S Night on late period music. Learn about and listen to several styles of music and the instruments they were played on. (She’ll bring her lute for show & tell!) We will also discuss easy ways to begin playing/singing period music at home on modern instruments.
If you’ve ever wanted to be the bard, but have been intimidated by the sheer mass of musical know-how, this class is a great way to get your feet wet. If you already have experience as a period musician, please come and bring your instrument for music-making!
Share the event and bring a friend!
WHEN Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 6:00 – 9:00 PM
WHERE Home of Minister of A&S, Simona della Luna, Newark, DE 19702. There is a cat (in case of allergies) and a few steps to enter the house.
HAVE QUESTIONS or WANT TO HOST or TEACH Contact Simona della Luna, our Minister of Arts & Sciences
WHEN Sunday, October 20, 2024 11:00-12:00 BUSINESS MEETING 1:00-4:00 POTLUCK SOCIAL
DETAILS Meetings make the magic happen! Please, come make magic with us.
Join us for a HALLOWEEN THEMED POTLUCK SOCIAL. After our 11:00 AM business meeting, we will enjoy a potluck picnic lunch, with medieval games for both kids and adults and a “sheep hunt” for the little ones. With so many talented folks in our Society, it’s no surprise to us that we love a good costume! Show us your favorite spooky SCA look!
The Shire will be providing hamburgers and hotdogs. Please bring a side dish to share for the potluck (along with an ingredient list for those that need to know). Send a note to our Seneschal (or comment on the Facebook event post) about the food you are bringing to aid in coordination.
See you there!
WHERE IN PERSON Smyrna Rest Area, 5500 DuPont Pkwy, Smyrna, DE 19977 (look for us under a pavilion)
Heraldic display! Bright banners, decorated shields, and color-coded allies are a key part of our game. Learn all about ways to incorporate heraldic display into your SCA kit. We will cover general concepts and principles as well as specific techniques for making garden-flag sized tent labels, and for appliqué.
WHEN Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 6:00 – 9:00 PM
WHERE Home of Minister of A&S, Simona della Luna, Newark, DE 19702. There is a cat (in case of allergies) and a few steps to enter the house.
HAVE QUESTIONS or WANT TO HOST or TEACH? Contact Simona della Luna, our Minister of Arts & Sciences
GREETINGS POPULACE, Meetings aren’t just boring stuff, it’s how the magic happens! Please, come, let’s make magic together!
WHEN Sunday, September 15, 2024, 11:00 AM
WHERE IN PERSON Smyrna Rest Area, 5500 DuPont Pkwy, Smyrna, DE 19977 (look for us under a pavilion)
VIRTUAL This meeting has closed.
Event Proposals If you want to learn how to run an SCA event or want to be part of one someone else is running, come to a meeting and bring your ideas.
A & S Projects Chat with our A&S Minister about your projects. Share your idea for a workshop or class!
Marshal Activities Hear the latest from our Knight Marshal and the progress of our loaner armor.
Heraldry Stuff Talk with our Herald and get help submitting your SCA name or device for approval.
QUESTIONS About the Shire, contact Seneschal Baroness Laurena Mouchot Fighter Practice, contact Knight Marshal Malcolm MacLeod
Period table games: Alquerque, Glückshaus, and others Learn the rules and a bit of history for several period table games, then play them. We will be using instructions from TheRavensTable.org. Feel free to look them up if you want to learn ahead of the social.
WHEN Wednesday, August 7, 2024, 6:00 – 9:00 PM
WHERE Contact our Minister of A&S, Simona della Luna.
Meetings aren’t just boring stuff, it’s how the magic happens! Please, come make magic with us. We discuss various things and are always looking for input.
WHEN Sunday, July 14, 2024, 11:00 AM
WHERE Smyrna Rest Area, 5500 DuPont Pkwy, Smyrna, DE 19977 (look for us under a pavilion)
Event Proposals If you want to learn how to run an event or want to be part of one someone else is running, come to a meeting and bring your ideas.
A & S Projects Come, chat with our A&S Minister about your projects. Let her know if you have an idea for a workshop or class.
Marshal Activities Hear the latest from our Knight Marshal and the progress of our loaner armor.
Heraldry Stuff Talk with our Herald and get that paperwork to get your name or device submitted for approval.
Group Project Planning Get updates on our replacement Pennsic Wind Wall and more.
QUESTIONS About the Shire, contact Seneschal Baroness Laurena Mouchot Fighter Practice, contact Knight Marshal Malcolm MacLeod
Pennsic War prep and general kit maintenance Even if you’re not going to Pennsic this year, now is a great time to assess the state of your general SCA kit and garb and see to any needed repairs or upgrades. We’ll cover basic leather care, simple garb repairs and alterations, and ideas for easy-to-make garb for hot weather. If you use a packing list or other planning tools feel free to bring it and share with us!
WHEN Wednesday, July 3, 2024, 6:00 – 9:00 PM
WHERE Contact our Minister of A&S, Simona della Luna.
HAVE QUESTIONS or WANT TO HOST or TEACH? Contact Simona della Luna, our Minister of Arts & Sciences