Banner Making

Greetings Shire Mates!
We are getting close to setting up our banner making day. I’m very excited about it, how about you?
What size banner would you like? A small one the size of your outstretched arm or a larger, grander one?
Do you have a frame? If so, what size?

Please send your answers and details of your needs to Alejandro at by Thursday October 1, 2015 so I can start organizing this. Your participation is greatly appreciated. The date for banner making will be announced shortly.

Yours in Service,

Notes from the Seneschal

Good Afternoon! As we move into the last quarter of 2015, I would like to make some announcements about local goings-on and events.

  • A copy of the bylaws that was updated last year has been recovered from the lifeless husk of a computer! If you would like to go over the notes and make any changes, please meet me prior to Fighter Practice this Sunday, October 4 at 11:30-1:00. Please email me ( or text me if you plan to join me so I can bring enough copies and bagels.
  • Recommendations for the second polling of Brennan II and Caoilfhionn II will be accepted through the end of Friday October 9, 2015. Please make sure to get your recommendations in for those that you feel are deserving.
  • Adolphus has very kindly offered to step up as my deputy, and I am very excited to have his help. Please feel free to contact him as well as myself with any questions about the current Shire events. You will find his information of the Shire website shortly. Onboarding into a deputy position can take some time, so please be kind if it takes us an extra day to get back to your request.
  • With so much to do in the last three months of the year, I am going to ask for assistance getting classes together and setting up meetings. Thank you to everyone who has offered to help, I truly appreciate it!
  • The November business meeting will be in Dover, and prospective dates and locations are being looked into.
  • There are a number of great events coming up in the East Kingdom that I hope to see you at like Shire Wars, the Shire’s Tourney of the Fallen Stag and the Yuletide parties.  Don’t forget about our Schola in the Shire Royal Progress event in February 2016, too!
  • Please consider donating something small to the Treasure Chest we are creating for the Royals to be presented in February, posts have been shared to Facebook with ideas.

Yours in Service,

Lady Shoshana




Tournament of the Fallen Stag 2015

Please join the Shire of Caer Adamant at the Tournament of the Fallen Stag on
October 24, 2015 at Glasgow Park, Glasgow, Delaware.

We will be holding a timed points tourney to ensure everyone gets plenty of fighting. Registration starts at 10:00 am; Tournament starts at 12 pm, and site closes at 6:00 pm. There will be prizes for:

Overall Victor
Highest Placed Shire Fighter (Shire Champion)
Best Death
Best Female Fighter

Spectators are most welcome, and garb is strongly encouraged. Site is a county park, so the public will be attendance. We will have the Gold Key (clothing that can be borrowed for the day) available for those who wish to use it. This event is free of charge, and there is no Feast. Dayboard and refreshments TBD. No alcohol as this is county park.

Event Steward:
Baron Simon Montgumery (Jim Stackable)

Pavilion #4
Glasgow Park, Glasgow, Delaware
Route 40 between Route 896 and Route 72. See map below for location details.

10:00 am – site opens
10:00 am – registration for tourney begins
12:00 pm – tourney begins
3:00 pm – ‘pot luck’ dayboard starts
6:00 pm – site closes

Check back here and the Shire’s Facebook page for more information as the date gets closer.


Pavilion location in Glasgow Park

Pavilion location in Glasgow Park

September Shire Meeting in Dover

The September Caer Adamant business meeting will be in Dover.

Date: Saturday, September 12, 2015

Time: 3:30 p.m. to 4:30ish

Location: Dover Public Library (see map below for directions)

Dress is casual; no garb please.

Everyone is welcome to attend!


October’s meeting will resume the normal monthly schedule of every third Sunday at Days of Knights in Newark at 5:00 p.m. 

Pennsic44: Campground Restrictions due to Weather Conditions 07/12/15

From the Mayor’s Office
Regarding Campground Restrictions due to Weather Conditions 07/12/15

Be advised that these restrictions & closings only apply for PW44

   Due to abnormal rainfall this year some areas of Cooper’s Lake Campground are
very wet and muddy (and have a high probability for vehicles becoming stuck). Due to that and potential complications of further rain, both before and during the event, the Mayor and the Land Staff are placing the following restrictions and closings into effect. See the list below to find out if your campsite is affected; on site look for Red Lines which will be painted around or within blocks denoting closed sections.

Blocks that are closed or restricted:
• All of E-32.
• All of W-19.
• All of W-23.
• Part of W-21 closed, west of site 52 (the fire pit is okay).
• Part of N-15 closed, the eastern portion just past the water spigot.
• E-31 (The Island) is no longer handicapped accessible! The Island is campable, but muddy & prone to flooding in severe weather. Camping on the Island will be allowed, but campers are advised that this is at their own risk due to the possibility of flooding. No vehicles will be allowed on the Island. No trailers will be delivered to the Island. The foot bridge is the only access to The Island; if you choose to camp there your encampment must make arrangements to move your gear by hand from storage to your encampment & back to storage at the end of War. Note: The Cooper’s will not be able to make any site improvements to the Island to alleviate muddy conditions.
• W-09 is not closed, but has Driving Restrictions—cars may not drive off of the
of the gravel road.

Roads that are closed or restricted:
• Howard’s Fenway is closed.
• Nagashino Road, between B05 and B09 is closed.
• Hill Road, is restricted to one way traffic (south bound only!) from the Low Road to Good Intentions.
Other block restrictions/concerns:
• N-12 is not closed, but there will be no single campers on the block.
• W-20: very muddy & prone to flooding in severe weather.
• No ground fires are allowed on the Battlefield.
• No ground fires are allowed in the southernmost section of E11.
Land staff will be in touch with those groups affected by closings and restrictions and every attempt will be made to accommodate needs of campers. If you are forced to move this year you will still get your land point. Next year you will be
allowed back into your block.

Storage Trailers
If you have a storage trailer that the Cooper’s deliver to your campsite or unloading, it may be required to remain there for the duration of Pennsic depending on your encampment’s conditions. No extra footage will be allowed for your storage trailer; you must make room it in your encampment. While the driver will attempt to meet your requests, we cannot guarantee that your trailer will be placed where you want it to be. If you choose not to have your trailer moved to your camp site, you are responsible for unloading, moving the contents of the trailer to your site, loading it again at the end of war. You will not be allowed to tow your trailer yourself from storage to your site.

Construction Projects
We understand that due to muddy conditions some groups may wish to build structures or modify the land to alleviate the mud, be advised, however, that NO changes to the landscape or building projects in encampments may take place without the direct permission of the Coopers! If you have a water/mud issue and you MUST come to the War Room and discuss it with the Coopers BEFORE you can make changes/build anything in your camp. NO ONE will be allowed on site before July 24th to view or work in any encampments. Failure to get appropriate permissions from the Coopers for modifications to alleviate mud may get you expelled from the site.

A Final Word
This is a difficult situation, we know. We also know how you all feel about your Pennsic encampments, but we hope that everyone will be understanding of the unusual conditions this year that require these changes. These block restrictions& closings only apply for PW44. We hope our attendees will be understanding of the compressed conditions necessary this year and conserve and share the space with grace and courtesy. If you have any questions concerning the above announcements, please email Land Staff.

Thank You for your patience & understanding,
Baron Illiam Uaine, Mayor Pennsic War 44

Originally posted at:

Dover Days Demo – 5/2/15

Dover Days


Come and join the Shire of Caer Adamant as we show Dover our special version of historical recreation on Saturday, May 2, 2015 during Dover Days. We will be marching in the parade and down on Legislative Mall all day demonstrating fighting and other skills. Dress in your best garb, grab your armor or craft of choice and come share The Dream. Out and about with the family? Stop by and learn about the Society For Creative Anachronism. Contact Valentina Amore for details.


Saturday May 2, 2015


Booth: 9:00-5:00 on Legislative Mall. Set up time TBD. Take down directly after event – Volunteers needed for both!

Line up time for parade: 8:30-9:30am by Central Middle School. Meeting time and location TBD.

Parade starts at 9:30 and runs down State Street to The Green.

For more information

Valentina Amore
(Lisa Rudge)


Dover Days Website

Through the Woods aka Spring Thynge – May 9th, 2015

Through the Woods on May 9th, 2015
Hosted by Shire of Caer Adamant

Updated as of 5/5/15 8:32am

Brigands have broken into the Royal Menagerie in an attempt to steal the animals!

A call goes out to all Archers to come and stop the Brigands, and to protect the local populace from the more dangerous of the animals. Due to the seriousness of this threat, there is also a call for thrown weapons specialists and armored fighters.

Come join us for a spirited day of fun!

Throughout the day the roving range will be open for the archery tournament with prizes awarded during the evening feast! We will also have a range for Royal rounds, and would be appreciative of anyone who would like to volunteer a few hours to assist with Marshalling.

The thrown weapons field will be available throughout the day for all levels of skill and will also have a tournament with prizes to be presented at the evening potluck feast.

Armored combat will feature a two handed sword tournament with prizes! (Any sword able to be wielded two handed)

Swamp Sale!

Bring your gently used garb, feast gear or other SCA related items to sell and never look at them again! The Shire will help you declutter those outgrown gowns, those plates you replaced with newer, those do-dads and thingy-ma-bobs that you aren’t using but that someone else might love… Bring your items to Lady Mairi and she’ll do the rest; you’ll get 50% of the final sale price for your items and the rest will go towards future Shire endeavors. We’ll have a hanging rack for clothes, and a table for the assorted sundry items. Monies will be tracked and distributed at 3:oo pm when the sale closes. Have questions? Email us!


An amazing dayboard will be prepared by “The Cross and the Crescent” camp kitchen duo.

The evening feast will be a pot luck with bread and meat provided by The Shire.

Please bring a side dish or a desert to contribute to the Pot Luck Feast. You are responsible for keeping hot foods hot, and cold foods cold.

(Please reach out to the autocrat by email with any dietary or health restrictions so that we can help accommodate)

Event Location and Information

Blackbird State Forest
1968 Harvey Straughn Road
Townsend, DE 19977
1968 Harvey Straughn Rd., Townsend address listed is for GPS/mapping purposes only and is actually a private home on the corner of Twin Meadows and Harvey Straughn and so don’t stop there!  Continue very slowly (else said private residents will complain) on Twin Meadows until it ends in small parking area for the camp site.  We will have signs posted.  Park where you can.

The site is primitive; leashed animals are allowed; porta-castles will be available.

Site Opens: 10:00 am
Site Closes: 9:00 pm (troll closes 4:00pm)

Event Fees

Adult $12.00
Minor Age 7-18 $5.00

$5.00 surcharge needed for each attendee over 18 who is not a paid member of the Society.

Family Cap – Fee for 2 Adults and 1 Minor

Feast: There is no feast, but please contact the Autocrats if you would like to participate in the Potluck dinner. The Shire will provide the meat of the meal and we ask that attendees provide sides and desserts. Period dishes not required.

Make Checks Payable to: SCA Inc. – Shire of Caer Adamant

Contact Information

Event Stewards:
Adam Gensel
Lord Alexi Gensel
129 Paladin Drive
Wilmington DE 19802

Marietta Messina
Lady Mari Clock van Hoorne
138 Holly Ridge Drive
Smyrna, DE 19977

Send Reservations to:
Marietta Messina
ATTN: Spring Thynge
138 Holly Ridge Drive
Smyrna, DE 19977

Shire Officer Updates


I want to express my thanks to the outgoing officers of The Shire. Wulf and Sean both stepped up two years ago to take positions as Knight Marshal, and Herald, respectively. Both positions required a lot of work. Wulf dedicated himself every week to answering emails, and making sure that Sunday practice continued. Sean promoted all aspects of Heraldry throughout his term, and encouraged many others to continue their personal journey of seeking more information on the subject.

It is so very important that we recognize Sybilla, who not only completed her first term as Exchanger, but volunteered to take on another one. Stepping into a new roll brings a steep learning curve, and with an additional term comes a great amount of knowledge and security.

This month Alexi was voted in as the new Knight Marshal, and Simeon as our new Herald. Thank you both for stepping up into these rolls. Make sure to ask a lot of questions. 😉 I am so excited to see what you will both bring to the table!

A very big thanks to the whole staff who keep the Shire running. You guys are great!
With Respect,
Lady Shoshana

Felt Booklets for Largress Project – 3/15/15

Join us for a special project to add to the Treasure Chest we are giving to the Royals for Pennsic – Felt note booklets for with crayons for the younglings, or pencils for the Marshals.

*Please note: Shire meeting will take place prior to this event at the Brandywine Towne Center.

When: Sunday, 3/15/15 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Where: Brandywine Towne Center
1000 Brandywine Parkway, Wilmington, DE 19803, United States

Please bring the following with you if you have it. If not, we will have some to share:

• Needle and thread       • Scissors

• Felt in various colors    • Unused/new Crayons    • “Golf” or “Bridge” pencils   • Sewing machine (with extension cord)

Questions or more info:
Lady Shoshana –
(Ellen 302-545-7808)
Katrin Daans:

Three Links – Garb and Stitches by Mari

  1. Mistress Marcele’s research, primarily 14th century stuff, fitted dresses, arming cotes, elbow hinge, alms purses:
  2. Hand stitches found in extant garments, which stitch would have been common in which time and place:
  3. Great book regarding period embroidered book bindings:

Lady Mari Clock van Hoorne, Chatelaine 

The “Three Links in a Chain” project is sponsored by the Officers of the Shire of Caer Adamant in an effort to highlight, share and explore all the wonderful resources available online.  We choose a topic, regarding the medieval period and/or the SCA, and share three websites which we have used in our own research, game play or just think others would enjoy. Have three links to share? Comments or questions? Email Dionise O’Towie, Webminister, for more information.


Three Links in a Chain – Vikings by Shoshana

I’m excited to start sharing some of my research!

My journey started in the best of ways, with other fellow SCAdians:
The Viking Answer Lady has an awesome page, and introduced me to many great jumping off points!

I’ve noticed a lot of talk on what Vikings wore, and am curious about the smocked front being shown by many re-enactors. Why do we think there is pleating on Viking apron dresses? I found the words “Kostrup Viking Apron Dress,” on Pinterest- and started searching from there. This is a fantastic research paper that I am eager to learn more about!

Color! I’m the worst at choosing fabric, so I’ve been looking into appropriate dyes. This page is where I started researching. It’s great to read what other people have learned. It’s definitely helping me choose my next fabric purchase. Perhaps one day I’ll dye my own.

Lady Shoshana Gryffyth, Seneschal

The “Three Links in a Chain” project is sponsored by the Officers of the Shire of Caer Adamant in an effort to highlight, share and explore all the wonderful resources available online.  We choose a topic, regarding the medieval period and/or the SCA, and share three websites which we have used in our own research, game play or just think others would enjoy. Have three links to share? Comments or questions? Email Dionise O’Towie, Webminister, for more information.