A&S Workshops-South-2017

Greetings to the Shire!
There is going to be an A&S Workshop at Lady Laurena’s house on Sunday, in Magnolia, starting around 3:30 p.m. and going until the last person leaves. The address is on the Calendar.
This coming Sunday is at Lady Laurena’s. As the Sunday in two weeks time is going to be the day after the Saturday shire meeting and newcomer gathering and wiki work day, and then the Sunday is the Newark Halloween Parade, there will not be one then.
Both Lady Laurena and Lady Aoife have agreed to alternately host every other Sunday A&S Workshops. That means the first Sunday A&S Workshop at Lady Aoife’s will be Sunday, November 12, followed by Sunday, November 26, at Lady Laurena’s again.

Hockessin, Delaware A&S Night Schedule (2nd Mondays of listed month)

November: Cheese Class- Shoshana Gryffyth
December: Turkish Flat bread and Gingerbread- Sybil and Shoshana
January: Fuzzy Hats- Kosa
February: Cloak Making and Candle Making- Hedewigis and Pasquale
March: Pouring and Finishing Pewter- Muin
April: Finishing Touches= Necklines, Closures, and hems… ect
May: Embroidery- Kaitlyn
June: Linen Pouch- Hedewigis
July: Pennsic Prep
September: Pennsic Handout Share
October: Planning next year’s schedule
Directions can be found on this page:

A&S Day, Friday April 7

Starting at 3 pm we will begin work on a variety of Viking Age projects to include; fine tuning hand stitching, posament, wire weaving, metal bead making, leather work, card weaving, and after a pot luck dinner, we will host glass lampwork bead making at 7pm.

Feel free to join us when ever you like for what ever portion of the workshop you are interested in. Please bring a dish to share, any metal or leather working tools and stamps, looms you want to warp, cloth you want to cut and sew etc.

If you are coming from far away you can contact Lady Laurena regarding crash space at 302 399 7183 (texting is best).

NB: There are pets in the house.

2016 A&S Evenings Topics Announced

Arts and Sciences (A&S) Evenings are the 2nd Monday of each month starting at  7:00 p.m. at Baroness Hedewigis’ home in Hockessin, DE (directions) Contact Baroness Hedewigis 302.239.9787 for more information.

A& S Evenings are an opportunity to work on various A&S projects in good company. Trying an new stitch? Need help marking a hem? Need tasters for your new recipe? Light refreshments will be available.

The following topics* will be covered in the next months:

December 14, 2015 – Make your own four-panel Viking fur hat

January 11, 2016 – Songs that everyone should know

February 5, 2016 – Event prep for ‘Shire in the Schola’ (Feb. 13)

March 14, 2016 – Garb Night

April 11, 2016 – Make a Butter bar

May 9, 2016 – Recipes for Pennsic

June 13, 2016 – Glass bead making

July 11, 2016 – Pennsic Prep

September 12, 2016 – Pennsic class review

October 10, 2016 – Planning for 2017

*Subject to change

If there is a date change or cancellation, the Google Calendar will be updated to reflect this.

Banner Making

Greetings Shire Mates!
We are getting close to setting up our banner making day. I’m very excited about it, how about you?
What size banner would you like? A small one the size of your outstretched arm or a larger, grander one?
Do you have a frame? If so, what size?

Please send your answers and details of your needs to Alejandro at yibachefonc@gmail.com by Thursday October 1, 2015 so I can start organizing this. Your participation is greatly appreciated. The date for banner making will be announced shortly.

Yours in Service,

Felt Booklets for Largress Project – 3/15/15

Join us for a special project to add to the Treasure Chest we are giving to the Royals for Pennsic – Felt note booklets for with crayons for the younglings, or pencils for the Marshals.

*Please note: Shire meeting will take place prior to this event at the Brandywine Towne Center.

When: Sunday, 3/15/15 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Where: Brandywine Towne Center
1000 Brandywine Parkway, Wilmington, DE 19803, United States

Please bring the following with you if you have it. If not, we will have some to share:

• Needle and thread       • Scissors

• Felt in various colors    • Unused/new Crayons    • “Golf” or “Bridge” pencils   • Sewing machine (with extension cord)

Questions or more info:
Lady Shoshana – seneschal@caer-adamant.eastkingdom.org
(Ellen 302-545-7808)
Katrin Daans: anotherinspiration@gmail.com

Three Links – Garb and Stitches by Mari

  1. Mistress Marcele’s research, primarily 14th century stuff, fitted dresses, arming cotes, elbow hinge, alms purses: http://cottesimple.com/
  2. Hand stitches found in extant garments, which stitch would have been common in which time and place: http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~marc-carlson/cloth/stitches.htm
  3. Great book regarding period embroidered book bindings: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/17585/17585-h/17585-h.htm

Lady Mari Clock van Hoorne, Chatelaine 

The “Three Links in a Chain” project is sponsored by the Officers of the Shire of Caer Adamant in an effort to highlight, share and explore all the wonderful resources available online.  We choose a topic, regarding the medieval period and/or the SCA, and share three websites which we have used in our own research, game play or just think others would enjoy. Have three links to share? Comments or questions? Email Dionise O’Towie, Webminister, for more information.


Three Links in a Chain – Vikings by Shoshana

I’m excited to start sharing some of my research!

My journey started in the best of ways, with other fellow SCAdians: http://vikinganswerlady.com/
The Viking Answer Lady has an awesome page, and introduced me to many great jumping off points!

I’ve noticed a lot of talk on what Vikings wore, and am curious about the smocked front being shown by many re-enactors. Why do we think there is pleating on Viking apron dresses? I found the words “Kostrup Viking Apron Dress,” on Pinterest- and started searching from there. This is a fantastic research paper that I am eager to learn more about! http://urd.priv.no/viking/smokkr.html

Color! I’m the worst at choosing fabric, so I’ve been looking into appropriate dyes. This page is where I started researching. It’s great to read what other people have learned. It’s definitely helping me choose my next fabric purchase. Perhaps one day I’ll dye my own. https://sites.google.com/site/zoemcdonell/naturaldyeing

Lady Shoshana Gryffyth, Seneschal

The “Three Links in a Chain” project is sponsored by the Officers of the Shire of Caer Adamant in an effort to highlight, share and explore all the wonderful resources available online.  We choose a topic, regarding the medieval period and/or the SCA, and share three websites which we have used in our own research, game play or just think others would enjoy. Have three links to share? Comments or questions? Email Dionise O’Towie, Webminister, for more information.

Make a Medieval Textile Belt Purse on Dec. 11, 2014

purse 2Join us for a special project that would be ideal for your garb, to be given as a present or just to learn how to do it! We will be making a Medieval Textile Belt Purse based on those worn in the 13th-16th centuries. It can be easily worn by women or men, depending on the fabric and embellishments, either over garb or under the top layer.

Instructions can be found here. We won’t have time to complete the entire bag in one night, so we will be preparing the fabric, making the tassels and giving instructions on hand stitches and assembly as needed.

Please bring the following with you if you have it.  If not, we will have some to share:

  • Suitable exterior fabric – extant bags ranged from basic linen to elaborate embroidered silks and wools, so you can choose what suits you best. You’ll need 8″x14″ for this pattern. We will have extra linen for those that need it.
  • Lining fabric – linen or silk, same size to be trimmed down. We will have some linen on hand for this.
  • Scissors, thread, needles for hand-sewing
  • Wool yarn or embroidery thread for the trim and tassels


Thursday, December 11, at 6:30pm


Veronica’s house at 101 McMullen Cir, Bear, DE 19701, USA  Google Map

*Please Park in back of housing development or in the shopping center, all spaces in front of houses are reserved for those houses.

RSVP or for more information:

Marietta: marietta.sca@gmail.com or the Shire’s Facebook page under this post

purse 1

Completed purse from Katafalk

A&S Nights

It’s that time of year again when we set up the schedule for the next 10 months.

A&S night will continue to be at Baroness Hedewigis’, Hockessin, Delaware home. We will also have some scattered A&S events throughout the year at different places and times as we find teachers and sites. Also, remember that Mondays nights at Bhakail are a great time to learn something new, or work on a project.

Next month, (October) I will be teaching “The 60 second Veil Stitch” and we will be making cup covers. Some materials will be provided, but please feel free to bring Fabric, Beads, Thread and Needles. Handouts will be provided.

Classes offered, to be scheduled, include: Black work pincushions, Bread, Embroidery, Basic Brewing, Felting, Wool Workings, Appliqué, Sewing with Patterns, Cup Covers, Non Period glass bottle holders.

Classes we are interested in, and looking for teachers: Glass Beads, 14th Century Hood Fitting, Soap, Curing/Dying/Tanning Leatherwork, Divination, Spinning, Basket making, Basic garb, Needle Lace, Basic Pennsic Prep, Herringbone Caps.

Please contact Lady Katrin if you would be interested in volunteering to teach any classes.

Banner Painting!

Banners will be done in two parts!
Part One will be on September 21st and costs $5.
We will go over banner design, map out our banners on large graph paper, and set up our frames. We will also have the opportunity to do a small silk painting in an embroidery hoop. Please bring full or half page printouts of your heraldry elements if you have them, to assist in your design.

Part Two will be on October 5th and will cost $10. Here we will finish marking out the silk, and will pant the banners.

Please contact Lady Shoshana if you are interested in attending!