Winter Bardic Blast and Feast II
Hosted by The Shire of Caer-Adamant
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Wilmington, Delaware
Join us from afternoon through evening for stories and song and food as we celebrate our second Winter Bardic Blast and Feast.
Simeon de Alcacar will coordinate a populace choice bardic competition for those who are inclined toward the art of entertaining. All performances should be under 10 minutes in length, and include an archery theme (bows and arrows optional.) Contact Simeon ( to register for the bardic competition.
For those with other inclinations, we will also have a table setting competition, hosted by Lady Shoshana Gryffyth. An archery theme is encouraged, but not required.
Lady Veronica Rosso will hold a silent auction to benefit the archery programs.
The site fee includes a delicious feast presented by Lady Shoshana Gryffyth and her kitchen crew. There will be offerings to please the carnivores, omnivores, vegetarians, and gluten-intolerant. Food-related questions should be directed to Lady Shoshana ( The site is “discreetly wet, in period containers.”
Menu for Feast
Vegetarian = VG Gluten-free = GF
First Course – Mediterranean
♦ Seasoned dipping oils with flat breads, salt on the table (VG)
♦ Olives and Tronchón cheese (or alternate semi soft goat/sheep cheese) (GF/VG)
♦ Hot Couscous and Rice with roasted carrots and raisins (GF/VG)
♦ Assorted Sauces (GF/VG)
♦ Sweet stewed chunks of lamb – beef with honey and almonds (GF)
Cheese Course
♦ Toasted Cheese with Good Bread (GF/VG)
♦ Vegetables (GF/VG)
♦ Braised Turnips (GF/VG)
Second Course – English
♦ Beefstew Pie wrapped in bacon (GF/VG available*)
♦ Nest of Eggs: A ring of Greens and sliced hard boiled then fried eggs (Split Nuns) (GF/VG)
♦ Assorted Dressings (GF/VG)
♦ Hot basil lemon chicken meatballs with a lemon white wine sauce on the side (GF)
♦ A carrot pudding with dates & currants (GF/VG)
Desert Table
♦ Warm Peach/Plum Compote with spices (GF/VG)
♦ Unsweetened Whipped Cream (GF/VG)
♦ Medieval Cheese Cake with Small Curd Cheese and Apricots (GF/VG)
*Food-related questions should be directed to Lady Shoshana ( Please contact her prior to feast for alternatives.
First Unitarian Church of Wilmington (Delaware)
730 Halstead Road Wilmington, DE 19803
Site Opens: 3pm
Site Closes: 9pm
Pre-registered (fee includes the feast):
$17.00 adult members ($22.00 adult non-members includes the NMS)
$15.00 youth (15 – 17)
$13.00 youth (14 and younger)
Note: Site fee includes the feast. Feast seats are capped at 80, so pre-register to avoid disappointment at the door.
$21.00 adult members ($26.00 non-members, includes NMS)
$19.00 youth (15 – 17)
$17.00 youth (14 and younger)
Feast: Feast is included in the site fee, so there is no additional cost.
Make Checks Payable to: SCA, Inc. – Shire of Caer Adamant
Contact Information
Event Steward:
Hedewigis Ockenfussin (Linda Brizendine)
Co-Event Steward:
Simeon de Alcacar (Seth Tolbert)
Send Reservations to:
Hope Mick
40 Fairway Road 3C
Newark, DE 19711
Other Contact Information:
Bardic Competition Registration
Simeon de Alcacar (Seth Tolbert)
Food Questions:
Lady Shoshana Gryffyth (Ellen Weiner)
East Kingdom Event Calendar: