From time-to-time members and friends of the Shire form a group to participate historic garb challenges hosted by neighboring lands:
January: Queen’s Garb Challenge: Such as the one held during the Birka event hosted by the Barony of Stonemarche in Manchester, NH each January. Our East Kingdom Queens often desire to see the skill with needle and thread of the populace in interpreting various themes.
Spring: Revenge of the Stitch (garb challenge): Hosted by the Shire of Spiaggia Levantinain (Eastern Shore of Delmarva, MD) in the East Kingdom of Atlantia.
Baroness Laurena Mouchot leads a 6-person sewing team (affectionately called “We Drink and Sew Things”) who measure, cut, sew, weave, hammer to produce a full outfit in this 24-hour garb competition held each spring. Planning starts at least 6 months in advance of each challenge. The team is supported by a 2 or 3-person support team – contact Baroness Laurena for more information.