Socials are scheduled based on availability of folks to host them (and a place for them). If you would like to add to our lineup, please contact our Minister of Arts & Sciences. Bring a project, bring a friend, and visit with friends and new comers!
- A&S Socials (Newark, DE): 1st Wednesday of every month
The first Wednesday of each month, from 6-9pm, we will gather at the home of our Minister of A&S, Simona della Luna, located at 613 Timber Wood Blvd., Newark, DE 19702 (unless otherwise noted).
- A&S Nights (Dover, DE): 4th Wednesday of every month
The fourth Wednesday of each month, from 6-7:30pm, we will be with Minister of A&S South, Lady Dionise O’Towe, at the Kent County Library, 497 S. Red Haven Lane, Dover, DE 19901. Please plan to arrive and leave promptly.
Theme: We are going back to basics with the thing that is the foundation of many different types of arts: THREAD. So let’s dive deep into all things string, rope, cord, floss, fiber, yarn, filament, and twine! If you have a related or adjacent topic you are willing to teach, let me know!
Generally the first hour of our A&S gatherings will be a class, with the remaining time used for projects and socializing. These gatherings provide an opportunity to work on your A&S projects in good company. Trying a new stitch? Need tasters for your medieval recipe? Crafting in leather or metal wire? Or, if you’re having trouble with a project or a research question, bring it with you and we can figure it out together. Come with your own project or learn something new!
If you have a question or would like to host a gathering, or teach a subject or skill, contact our Ministers of Arts & Sciences.
We gather now and again. Having no set date, these workshops are scheduled based on availability of hosts for them and are meant for folks who need or want time to work on or get help from knowledgeable individuals with creating period garb for SCA events. See our calendar for date, time and location.
MEDIEVAL GAMES NIGHT (garb optional, but encouraged)
Happen now and again. We try to announce these programs in advance/ as soon as they’re scheduled. Please feel free to bring an edible or potable treat to share. We have bocce outside (weather permitting) and various other medieval games inside. If you have a favorite game, bring it! See our calendar for date, time and location.
Occur now and again. Dress is modern. See our calendar for date, time and location. Learn about and practice Calligraphy and Illumination in good company. Bring your sketchbook, brushes and paints/inks. Certain supplies are available for borrowing to get you started!
As life and weather are always happening, be sure to check our Calendar and / or Facebook page for activity updates (for purpose, date, time or location changes) and cancellations.