Since the weather is nicening up we’ll be going back to doing Shire meeting on the Third Sunday before the Fight Practice at Glasgow Park.
Author Archives: Shire-of-Caer-Adamant
March 18 and 19, 2017 Activities
A&S Night Monday, March 13 is Cancelled Due to Weather
Please contact Baroness Hedewigis if you have any questions or concerns with regard to this.
Dance Practice Tuesday March 14 Cancelled Due to Weather
If you have any questions regarding this announcement contact Lord George from Hartshorn-dale or Kathy from Hockessin.
Proposed Bylaws – Voting at March 19 Shire Meeting
Please give them a look and contact the Webminister with any comments.
Period Game Night, Sunday March 19 beginning at 5:00 p.m.
Garb is encouraged, but not required. Please feel free to bring any favorites if you have one.
If the weather is cooperative we’ll likely have at least one Bocce match before we lose sunlight. If you’re so inclined, snacks or beverages to share are welcome (ingredients list for prepared items is requested).
The location is home to four-legged-furry supreme overlords (i.e. cats) so please medicate if necessary. Please call Baroness Hedewigis at (302) 239-9787 if you have problems getting there.
Address information is available on the Calendar entry.
Ballot for February 12, 2017 Election
If you plan to email this ballot, you must include a copy of your SCA membership card and ID proving you are a within the Shire’s borders. If you plan to send this with someone else to the meeting, you still need to provide that information. Email completed ballots to by Saturday February 11, 2017 11:59pm or print and bring with you to the meeting on Sunday, February 12, 2017 1:00pm at the Dover Library.
February Election Notice
Place: Dover Public Library
Date: Sunday, February 12, 2017
Time: 1:00 pm
We have one candidate for each of the three candidates available positions, you may either vote for the person running or “none of the above”.
Candidate for Exchequer
Lady Sybilla of Rona
Candidate for Herald
Lord Simeon de Alcaçar
Candidate for Knight Marshal
Lord Arthur Alyn
To vote you will need to bring your membership card and proof of residency. If you wish for someone to vote your proxy, you will still need to provide a copy of the above information and a letter confirming you are allowing that person to vote your proxy.
Ballots will be posted shortly.
Yours in service to the Kingdom of the East,
Baron Adolphus Benner
Scribal Night is OFF for January and February!
Update your calendars!
As Lady Shoshana is busily preparing all the things for The Long Night, there will be no Scribal night on Friday, January 13, or on Friday, February 10, 2017.
Notice: January Meeting and Upcoming Elections
Greetings to everyone in the Shire,
As you know a new year is almost upon us and that means it is time for Shire Elections!
This year we have the following Officers up for election:
Exchequer, Knight Marshall and Herald
The Exchequer requires that you live inside the State of Delaware and be a member of the SCA. Knight Marshal and Herald do not require State residency, though does still require membership. Anyone wishing to run for these offices are required to send me a letter of intent.
LETTER OF INTENT. The candidate for an office will submit a letter of intent to the Seneschal and Deputy Seneschal prior to the scheduled start of the January business meeting. The letter will include the member’s modern name, SCA name (if applicable), membership number and expiration date, and a few lines describing the request. Proof of residence is required (e.g. photocopy of a current utility bill or valid ID).
On January 14, 2017, I will be attending the Shire Social at Grotto Pizza in Dover, if anyone wants to send in letter of intent by hand. If you are emailing your letter of intent, please send it to my Official email: and I will need them no later than midnight that night of January 14, 2017.
The January Shire Meeting will be held the next day, January 15, 2017, 1:00 pm at the Bear Library. The candidates will be announced at that time.
I encourage everyone to think about running for an office or if you’re not sure if your “ready yet” to ask the new Officer about being a Deputy.
If you have any other questions, just ask.
Yours in Service to the Kingdom of the East,
Baron Adolphus Benner
Seneschal, Shire of Caer Adamant
Nov. 13- Sixth Tournament of the Fallen Stag
Tales are told of glorious combat, and legends are built one story at a time. Shire members and neighbors alike are called to arms to join us on the Thirteenth of November for the Sixth Annual Tournament of the Fallen Stag. Our previous years’ winner, Adam Greatsword has issued a challenge to all fighters to join him in a Bear Pit style tournament where no shields are allowed. Bring great weapons, bring two swords, bring axes, but please set your shield aside. Prizes will be awarded for Overall Tournament Winner, Shire Winner, Best Death, and Chivalry.
Spectators are most welcome, and garb is encouraged. The site is a county park, so the public will be attendance, and the site is dry. We will have the Gold Key (clothing that can be borrowed for the day) available for those who wish to use it. This event is free of charge, and all are invited to the potluck Dayboard after the tournament, that is our tradition in the Shire.
11:00 am – site opens
11:00 am – registration for tourney begins
12:30 pm – tourney begins
3:00 pm – ‘pot luck’ dayboard starts
3:30 pm – prizes awarded
5:00 pm – site closes
Free to all
Glasgow Park, Glasgow, Delaware. Route 40 between Route 896 and Route 72. Pavilion by the concrete duck pond.
Click Here for Google Map.
October 2016 Fort Knights
Read it here!
Fort Knights June 2016 now available
Fort Knights May 2016 Now Available!
A message from the Seneschal
Despite having a horrible cold, I’m feeling very lucky today. I’m so thankful that the officers and deputies who are stepping away from their positions were kind enough to give us what time they had available to assist, and that the people stepping into their shoes have the excitement needed to take up the torch. Being an officer or a deputy is a very big commitment, and I thank all those people who put their names on the ballot. We could not make this Organization work without volunteers.
I’m so happy to pass the torch to our new Shire Officers. Vivat, Baron Adolphus Benner, who will take up the position of Seneschal. Vivat, Lady Mairi Crawford, who will be our new Minister of Arts and Science. Vivat, Lady Dionise O’Towie, who will take on the position of Chatelaine. You are all crazy awesome!
Working hard in an organization like this one can be very rewarding. The research that you put into your work draws both yourself and those around you closer into our crazy world. The time you spend working with others, supports everyone around you and creates an atmosphere of forward motion and inclusion. The exciting projects we all forge create magic moments, and allow people to become caught up in the pageantry and joy of an event.
I really appreciated the time that I spent as Seneschal for the Shire of Caer Adamant. Thank you to everyone for the support; it’s truly a rollercoaster ride! My biggest piece of advice is to remember that it takes a lot of different skills to build a bridge, and a lot of awesome people to keep it well maintained. Never try to do something by yourself, when there are so many wonderful people that could help you.
In Service,
Shoshana Gryffyth
(Ellen Weiner)