Tournament of the Fallen Stag 2015

Please join the Shire of Caer Adamant at the Tournament of the Fallen Stag on
October 24, 2015 at Glasgow Park, Glasgow, Delaware.

We will be holding a timed points tourney to ensure everyone gets plenty of fighting. Registration starts at 10:00 am; Tournament starts at 12 pm, and site closes at 6:00 pm. There will be prizes for:

Overall Victor
Highest Placed Shire Fighter (Shire Champion)
Best Death
Best Female Fighter

Spectators are most welcome, and garb is strongly encouraged. Site is a county park, so the public will be attendance. We will have the Gold Key (clothing that can be borrowed for the day) available for those who wish to use it. This event is free of charge, and there is no Feast. Dayboard and refreshments TBD. No alcohol as this is county park.

Event Steward:
Baron Simon Montgumery (Jim Stackable)

Pavilion #4
Glasgow Park, Glasgow, Delaware
Route 40 between Route 896 and Route 72. See map below for location details.

10:00 am – site opens
10:00 am – registration for tourney begins
12:00 pm – tourney begins
3:00 pm – ‘pot luck’ dayboard starts
6:00 pm – site closes

Check back here and the Shire’s Facebook page for more information as the date gets closer.


Pavilion location in Glasgow Park

Pavilion location in Glasgow Park