Come and join the Shire of Caer Adamant as we show Dover our special version of historical recreation on Saturday, May 2, 2015 during Dover Days. We will be marching in the parade and down on Legislative Mall all day demonstrating fighting and other skills. Dress in your best garb, grab your armor or craft of choice and come share The Dream. Out and about with the family? Stop by and learn about the Society For Creative Anachronism. Contact Valentina Amore for details.
Saturday May 2, 2015
Booth: 9:00-5:00 on Legislative Mall. Set up time TBD. Take down directly after event – Volunteers needed for both!
Line up time for parade: 8:30-9:30am by Central Middle School. Meeting time and location TBD.
Parade starts at 9:30 and runs down State Street to The Green.
For more information
Valentina Amore
(Lisa Rudge)