2021-22 Officer Candidates

Pursuant to the Bylaws of Caer Adamant, Letters of Intent for the offices of Exchequer, Harold, Knight Marshal and Webminister for the 2021-2022 terms were accepted up to the January business meeting and are now closed.

Additionally, nominations for the office of Chatelaine (which is being vacated mid-term as Lady Laurena Mouchot steps away from the office after many, many years of wonderful service in the role for the Shire) were also accepted.

Candidates for office include:

  • Exchequer: Lady Motte Nachfalter
  • Harold: Lord Hallbjorn Tryggvason
  • Knight Marshal:  Baron Magnus Wolfhunte
  • Webminister:  Lady Nancy Alyn
  • Chatelaine:  Honorable Lady Isabel of Rosley

Officer elections generally occur during the February business meeting via closed ballot; however, due to the current health situation, the Seneschal has indicated that an electronic voting mechanism will be shared a week or so before the meeting.

The winner will be that candidate who receives a simple majority of the votes cast. Should the Populace vote to reject all of the candidates for a position, and that position is required by East Kingdom Law or Corpora, the process of holding a new election will begin immediately. In the interim, the Seneschal will make provisions for the performance of any duties of the office required.

Contact Seneschal Lady Aoife inghean Donnchaidh.