Pursuant to the Bylaws of Caer Adamant, Letters of Intent for the offices of Seneschal, Chatelaine, Minister of A&S, Chronicler and Captain of the Archers for the 2020-2021 terms were accepted up to the January business meeting and are now closed.
Candidates for office include:
- Seneschal: Lady Aoife inghean Donnchaidh
- Chatelaine: Lady Laurena Mouchot offers to continue to hold the position; however, is looking for someone to assume the role.
- Minister of A&S: Lady Iriniia Mieszkowna
- Chronicler: A vote of the members in January, 2020 suspended this office.
- Captain of the Archers: A vote of the members in January, 2020 suspended this office.
Officer elections will occur during the February business meeting via closed ballot. The winner will be that candidate who receives a simple majority of the votes cast. Should the Populace vote to reject all of the candidates for a position, and that position is required by East Kingdom Law or Corpora, the process of holding a new election will begin immediately. In the interim, the Seneschal will make provisions for the performance of any duties of the office required.