Join in the Monthly Shire business meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate. Connect with friends, learn what is going on, what is being planned and join in the discussions. Dress is modern (no garb).
Sunday, November 10, 2024
11:00 AM Monthly Business Meeting
Call for Officer Candidates
Pursuant to the Bylaws of Caer Adamant, nominations for the offices for the 2025-2026 term are open for Exchequer, Herald, Knight Marshal, and Webminister.
Letters of intent must be submitted by the candidate to the Seneschal prior to the scheduled start of the January business meeting (submit with an email). The letter will include the member’s modern name, SCA name (if applicable), membership number and expiration date, and a few lines describing the request. Candidates for each office will be announced at the January business meeting, as well as on the website. For more information, refer to the Shire Bylaws.
Virtual Only. The meeting has closed.
Contact Seneschal Baroness Laurena Mouchot.