Mar. 25-Shire Meeting

Good Morning Adamantians! The poll is in. We had 19 total responses. The weeknight that most folks could make was Thursday, with a high of 7 people at 7:00. Compare that with Sunday responses, where 10 folks said that 1:00 worked. (That is the highest “yes” time frame). We now have data to support what we were already doing.

With 73.3% of the people saying “Yes” to a Google HangOut for the meeting, and two folks saying “No” we will give it a trial run at the March meeting.

I went ahead and scheduled us for March 25th at Iron Hill Science Museum at 1:00, as there were issues with every other Sunday of the month. We don’t want to deprive Fighter Practice of it’s marshals so we will try to keep the business end of the meeting quick.

For those interested, (totally optional) I am thinking about the Red Robins for lunch before hand. Or there is the McGlynns pub… anyone been there? I am open to other options. Thoughts? Preferences?

Iron Hill Science Museum:
1115 Robert L. Melson Lane, Newark, DE 19702
