2022-23 Officer Candidates

Pursuant to the Bylaws of Caer Adamant, Letters of Intent for the offices of Seneschal, Chatelaine, Minister of A & S for the 2022-23 terms were accepted up to the January business meeting.

Candidates for office:

  • Seneschal:  Lady Aoife inghean Donnchaidh offers to continue to hold the position until another member is willing to assume the role
  • Chatelaine:  Lady Isabel of Rosley
  • Minister of A&S:  Lady Nancy Alyn offers to serve  until another member is willing to assume the role

Officer elections will occur during the February business meeting via closed ballot. The winner will be that candidate who receives a simple majority of the votes cast. Should the Populace vote to reject all of the candidates for a position, and that position is required by East Kingdom Law or Corpora, the process of holding a new election will begin immediately. In the interim, the Seneschal will make provisions for the performance of any duties of the office required.

Contact Seneschal (Lady Aoife inghean Donnchaidh).