Benedicta Vita Arma

Benedicta Vita Arma (Blessed The Life In Harness)
Saturday, September 28, 2019
9:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Wilmington, DE

Put on your finest court garb and join us for a day of pomp and pageantry!  The day will begin with the ‘Gallery of Inspiration’, where combatants will select their champion based on heraldic display.  This will be followed by a formal tournament and deed of arms.  All combatants will be required to meet armor standards.  Your kit should also fully represent your persona and time period; no modern materials may be visible.  

Greenbank Mills and Phillips Farm
500 Greenbank Road
Wilmington, DE 19808

There is a large parking lot to the side of the Mill. If necessary, drive into the small lot in front of the Mill to unload and then move your vehicle to the side lot.

This is a free event, although Donations are highly encouraged
Pre-registration closes September 21, 2019.

Feast fee is $5.00 and is limited to the first 30 reservations.
This will be a high court feast. Wear your best Garb, bring your best table setting.
Feast pre-registration closes September 14, 2019.

Make checks payable to: SCA Inc. Shire of Caer-Adamant

Event listing on East Kingdom site.


Event Steward:
Alexandre l’Espangol de Orleanz
Modernly Roger C. Young

Co-Event Steward:
Baron Adolphus Benner
Modernly David Smith

Send reservations to:
Mari Clock van Hoorne
Modernly Marietta Messina
138 Holly Ridge Drive
Smyrna, DE 19977

Gallery of Inspiration:
If you wish to sit in the Gallery of Inspiration, contact
Erika Morton